Aging SpotsTreatment: A safe way to get back the younger appearance

· Health,Aging Spots Treatment Burtonsville,Laser Skin Care,Medical

Are you worried about the unwanted spots on your face? Are you petrified about the premature old look? Don't panic. The darker and flat marks can be removed through Aging Spots Treatment in Burtonsville.

Aging Spots Treatment Burtonsville

What are age spots?

Age spots appear on the skin if someone had sun exposure fora prolonged period. These marks are harmless but some people opt for their removal purely because of cosmetic reasons.

Liver spots and solar lentigines are some other terms used for age spots. However, age spots are not in any way related to the liver. The dark and flat marks surround the entire skin and it can be brown, tan, and black and in some cases, it resembles freckles.

How age spots are caused?

Age spots appear on the skin with increased production of melanin in the body. This pigment is essential as it provides colour to the skin. The extra melanin is produced with too much exposure to sunlight as it helps to protect the skin from the UV or Ultra Violet rays of the sun. The skin becomes darker as melanin is produced. Age spots appear on the skin when excess melanin is clumped together.

What are the symptoms of age spots?

Age spots appear on those areas of the skin that are continuously exposed to the sun. The areas of the skin are:

  • Backs of the hands
  • Face
  • Back
  • shoulders
  • Top of the feet
  • Arms

Age spots can appear in clusters or singly. However, the size may vary and the diameter can range from 0.2 to 2.0 centimetres. People aged 40 and over are more prone to age spots. However, the chances of age spots appearing cannot be ruled out for younger people as well. Those who use tanning beds and get sunburns can develop age spots. These spots on the skin do not come with prior notice. However, people with lighter skin are more prone to develop the symptoms of age spots as this skin type is more sensitive to the sun.

How to diagnose age spots?

Visual examinations are enough for a doctor to identify the age spots. Medical professionals use a magnifying tool dermatoscopy to examine the skin. It is a hand-held tool that helps to differentiate age spots from melanoma. Many doctors suggest a skin biopsy to determine the nature of the growth that has happened.

Treatments for age spots

An individual can do away with treatment as most age spots are harmless. However, it is important to visit a doctor as it gives the option to check before treatment begins.

Sometimes cosmetic reasons prompt an individual to remove age spots. The age spots can be lightened by using topical creams. However, lighteners containing mercury must be avoided as they can trigger serious health issues. A safe product must be used to remove age spots and it must be prescribed by a healthcare professional.

Age spots lightening cream contains cortisone and retinoids like tretinoin and hydroquinone. These creams are effective in lightening the spots over time. Skin irritations are very common with these creams. So, the doctor must prescribe the right cream for the best results.

Cosmetic procedures used to remove age spots

Skin care doctors and dermatologists suggest the following procedures to remove age spots.

  • Intense pulsed light therapy: Itis also called laser surgery and medical professionals use high-intensity beams to remove the age spots.
  • Cryotherapy: In this therapy, the age spots are removed by using a cold substance. Liquid nitrogen is used to lighten the spot and remove them. 
  • Chemical peel: A chemical solutionis used to brush the skin. This is an incredible process where the skin is exfoliated and the dead cells are peeled away.
  • Microdermabrasion: In this process, skin exfoliation is done to remove the age spots. It is a non-invasive treatment and makes sure the pain is not felt during the process.

Schedule an appointment today

Are you looking to remove the age spots? Get in touch with medical professionals and opt for the best removal techniques. You rest assured to get back the younger look in no time.

We at Butterfly Medical Spa have the best professionals removing Aging Spots Treatment in Burtonsville. Medical professionals and doctor uses the best treatments to offer relief to individuals having age spots. Grab the opportunity today. Schedule an appointment with the best professionals whenever you see fit.