A Guide To CO2 Laser Resurfacing And Its Treatment Benefits

· CO2 laser Treatment,CO2 laser,Medical,Health

Men and women always want to have their skin free from scars, marks, wrinkles, etc. Sun-damaged skin, baggy eyes, scars of acne, sebaceous hyperplasia, skin cancers, and many other skin issues can be easily removed by the process of CO2 laser resurfacing treatment in Calverton.

Carbon dioxide laser treatment is a semi-invective skin treatment that removes the scars of sin of any kind by creating no side effects to the skin of sideways areas of any structure. This laser treatment evaporates the epidermis layer of the skin and makes the dermis layer penetrate. So, the upper layer of the skin gets removed. After the wound heals, it will generate a new layer of skin. The old marks of scars will be removed permanently. This laser treatment will surely remove the birthmarks from the skin and make it smooth.

CO2 laser  Calverton

What More Benefits Does It Provide To You

This carbon dioxide laser treatment has been in use for many years for treating benign and malignant skin conditions. It is safe for both types of skin as well. It saves the patient from causing skin cancer in any situation. Very short pulse light energy conditions are generated to create the environment for CO2 laser treatment. The ultra-pulsed light beams affect the upper layer of the skin. It is the most revolutionized skin treatment therapy nowadays.

It is Connected With Other Adjoining Treatments

Carbon dioxide laser resurfacing is done in conjunction with the other treatment options. Tretinoin (Retin-A®) products, alpha hydroxyl acids, vitamin C lotion, chemical peels, collagen or fat augmentation, microdermabrasion, and Botulinum Toxin (Botox®) for treating facial lines and scars are all part of the procedure. Along with carbon dioxide laser treatment, you can follow all these treatments to get the best results.

During CO2 laser resurfacing treatment, a cosmetic dermatologist experienced in laser treatment targets specific areas of skin to pursue the treatment. The specific surface goes under the effective beams of the laser. So, it does not affect the rest of the skin. The expert does not target it.

How to Prepare for the Treatment

Your dermatologist will give you some creative instructions that help to treat the candidate without any damaging effects. Here are some of them.

The andidate has to drink more water for the last 24 hours.

They must inform us if there is any medical sensitivity, such as doxycycline sensitivity.

You should not take it 3 days before the treatment

Smoking must be discontinued for the last two to three weeks.

Don'tuse any cosmetic that helps facial skin peel

The duration of the treatment

The treatment process is not painless. It takes 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the area of treatment and the depth of penetration. However, the dermatologist applies some aesthetic composition before the treatment. You will see a result from the very first session of the treatment.

If you want this treatment, you can contact Butterfly Medical Spa, which operatesin the following locations: Calverton, Burtonsville, Silver Spring, North Potomac, Potomac, Rockville, and Gaithersburg. In all those places, you will get cool peel and Vi peel as well.