Getrid of Acne Scars with VI Peels – Top 3 Benefits

· Health,Acne Scar Treatment,Medical Spa,Medical
Acne Scar Treatment Silver Spring

Are you suffering from frequent acne breakouts? Do they leave you with scars all over your face? If so, then there is an easy solution at hand for you. All you need to do is go for Acne Scar Treatment in Silver Spring. With the help of VI peels, your skin will get back its glow and you will be free from all the scars.

Acne scars can be frustrating and embarrassing and this is where a VI peel comes in. It’s the latest chemical peel which works very effectively and precisely on acne scars. It’s a powerful blend of minerals, vitamins, retinol, and acids that treat myriad skin conditions like acne scars, fine lines wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation. Are you interested to know more? That’s what we are here for! In this blog, we will discuss VI peels and their benefits. Continue reading to find out more.

First of all, let us find out what a VI peel is.

What is a VI Peel?

As mentioned above, a VI peel is a chemical peel of medium depth. It goes inside the top layer of the skin and reaches the layer underneath. It uses products trademarked and owned by the Vitality Institute Medical Products.

A VI peel works by exfoliating the skin and stimulating protein production. It's commonly used for treating acne scars, signs of aging, poor skin texture, and pigmentary issues.

What are the ingredients in a VI Peel?

The ingredients in a VI peel include the following:

  • Trichloroacetic acid
  • Phenol
  • Salicylic acid
  • Vitamin C
  • Tretinoin

VI peels are very safe and can be used on your face, hands, chest, back, and eyelids. It's suitable for all types of skin according to the Vitality Institute.

What are the benefits of a VI peel?

A few benefits of a VI peel are as follows:

Reduces acne and acne scars

The VI peel doesn’t just reduce acne scars but also acne itself. It smoothens the skin, increases collagen, reduces inflammation, and brightens the skin. It can be used for treating all types of acne scars including rolling scars, boxcar scars, and ice pick scars. All of these scars respond differently to the peel so you may need more than one session to get rid of them fully.

A review conducted in 2018 found that VI peels are well-accepted by the skin and are effective in treating acne and acne scars.

A VI peel treats acne in various ways, including the following:

  • Reducing clogged pores
  • Breaking down the outer layer of skin
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Killing bacteria
  • Lessening oil production

Reduces wrinkles and fine lines

A VI peel reduces wrinkles and fine lines by breaking the top layer of the skin. This process stimulates your body’s healing procedure and increases the production of elastin and collagen. The last two are types of proteins that give your skin its elasticity and firmness. Loss of these two leads to the formation of fine lines and wrinkles.

Treats discoloration and sunspots

VI peels can help with brightening dark areas of the skin by lightening them. As mentioned above, VI peels contain Phenol as an ingredient and it treats discoloration and freckles. VI peels can also help with skin diseases like melasma and sun damage.


So, this was all about VI peels and their benefits. Hopefully, after reading this blog, you are feeling excited about giving it a chance. To get all the benefits mentioned above, you need to find an experienced and licensed medical professional. If you are looking for such a service, you can reach out to Butterfly Medical Spa. They are also the ones to reach out to if you have been searching for a Medical Spa in Calverton.